Posts Tagged With: Shane

Shane Taylor’s Interview



I took a few minutes to sit down with Tribal Survivor’s own Shane Taylor.

We talked about how he feels about his gameplay, what was with trying to get Gabe and Emily into an alliance and just exactly where did he come up with the alliance name The Totalitarianists.  We also learn if he was really blindsided at last tribal council and if he’d consider playing again.

Daniel Bowen

Ok first off just want to say thankyou you Shane for playing Tribal Survivor.  The first few episodes of this game would not have been the same without you

Shane Taylor

You’re welcome

Daniel Bowen

Let’s get started with the first question: Now that you’ve had a long while to process everything since you’ve been voted out until now, what’s it like going back and reliving everything that went down in the game?

Shane Taylor

It’s really hard to go and read  all these bad things that people said about me. And it is hard to see how immature I was in this game. And how awfully I played. It’s hard

Daniel Bowen

So taken from a context solely just based on this game do you feel that you were immature?  Or was it something different?

Shane Taylor

I feel I was very immature and very aggressive.

Daniel Bowen

Now are you normally like that or was that just your excitement in playing a Survivor game?

Shane Taylor

it wasn’t either. I just went in over confident. i usually don’t play survivor like that. I just don’t know what happened

Daniel Bowen

With everything that has been said I really was sad to see you go as you were active and actually tried to bring something to this game.  That can not be said by all players that play Survivor games or even all the players in Tribal Survivor.  What would you say you have learned from this experience?

Shane Taylor

Be just as active but less agressive. Don’t try to force people into alliances, just let things happen. Be social

Daniel Bowen

Speaking of forcing people into alliances.  You seemed highly focused on Gabe and Emily from the other tribe.  What was your reasoning for focusing on those two?

Shane Taylor

I got a good vibe from them. A good false vibe

Daniel Bowen

So what about Shannon and Branden

They were the Total Core alliance.  Was that the same thing?

Shane Taylor

I thought they trusted me but really not at all. BrandEn didn’t want in and Shannon orchestrated the blindside

Daniel Bowen

So speaking of that

Did you have any idea you were going when the votes went down?

Or did you believe it was Ryan?

Shane Taylor

I thought it was Ryan. And if it wasn’t, it would’ve been brandEn.

Daniel Bowen

So tell me what was your plan had you Survived until merge?  What was your plan moving forward?  Go with Gabe, Emily, Shannon, and Branden……or something different?

Shane Taylor

I was going to go with both of them to the final 5. But go to final 3 with gabe and Emily

Daniel Bowen

Why with Gabe and Emily?  Just because you had such a good vibe from them or did you think you stood a better chance winning against them?

Shane Taylor

I don’t even remember. Probably just the vibe because I was stupid in the game

Daniel Bowen

Do you think there was anything you could have done to save yourself that round with the twist?  Because even looking at the game as a host standpoint that twist really did screw you over.  However that is the point of the twists in the game is to keep everyone on their toes and see how well they can quickly adjust to the outside pressure.  Is there anything you could have done to maybe save yourself but not maybe have voted out Ryan?

Shane Taylor

No I don’t think so because it was a blindside. I didn’t see it coming so I didn’t take steps to save myself

Daniel Bowen

Let me ask you a few more questions and we should be done

Shane Taylor


Daniel Bowen

I have to ask about the Totalitarianist name.  Where did that come from?  And where did you get all of the plans for this strategy?

Shane Taylor

In History class he taught us those steps to becoming a totalitarianist dictator. While we were preparing for WWII. And I thought that’d it’d be perfect for Survivor.

Daniel Bowen

Alright well overall despite becoming viewed as a villian in the show did you have a good experience and what was your favorite part of Tribal Survivor?

Shane Taylor

Not the twists lol. Probably the people! They were fun!

Daniel Bowen

Well let’s speak of that twist, had your  tribe not pulled that twist for that round do you think you still could have won?

Shane Taylor

It was so early in the game, idk. Hopefully, but Id o think I’d of made merge

Daniel Bowen

Well Shane despite how you were shown on the episode I am glad you played.  I think had you been less aggressive you might have been able to make it far.  Would you play Tribal Survivor again given the chance?

Shane Taylor


Daniel Bowen

Alright well thanks for taking a little bit of time to answer my questions.  Hopefully we’ll be seeing more of Shane in seasons to come

Shane Taylor


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